If you have placed on order and you want to check its status, you can view this from you account page.
- Click on Sign In or Account at the top of the page
- Click on My Orders from your account page
- From here you can see a summary of your orders and their status (see below for a full list of statuses)
- Click on the Order No you want to query
- You can now see full details about the order including a section on Shipping Details
- If the order has been dispatched a tracking number and courier details will be shown here
Delivered From Manufacturer Orders
Some of our orders are sent directly from the manufacturer and can take significantly longer than the items dispatched from our own warehouse. You will have been made aware of this at the time of purchase and we make every attempt to provide the most up to date details on delivery times during at the time of order however manufacturers can change these after. If your order is dispatched from a manufacturer they will contact you to when the order is ready for delivery, we cannot unfortunately provide precise delivery or dispatch times.
Order Statuses
Your order could be in one of the following statuses
You have placed your order but you have not gone forward to the payment window, or your payment has not been accepted. Pending orders will not be dispatched. For help with this status view our payment problems page.
Processing or New
Payment has been received and your order is in the queue to pick. Picking will start soon
Your order is in our warehouse for picking and dispatch.
Your order has left our warehouse and is on its way to you. If tracking information is available you can access it from your order history page.
Your order has been invoiced, and an invoice is now ready to print from your account page.
Payment has not been completed, either because payment was cancelled during the checkout process, or the bank has not authorised payment. Uncleared orders will not be processed.
If you have just placed an order, please note that it can take upto 15 minutes for the status to change to processing.
You have requested to cancel this order.
You have pre-ordered some items on our site. The whole order will be dispatched in one consignment, once all of the items are in stock.